Integrated with Body Worn Camera , Push to Talk and LTE Live Streaming in One

HawkEye from Wavesight is a unique Body Worn Camera that offers an integrated communication solution . Besides the recording of evidence in real time  , the evidence can be streamed live via LTE . It can also be used as a Push to Talk device . In summary , the HawkEye is a body worn LTE camera and push to talk solution that enables you to do away with multiple devices.

With our cloud services , including customised features such as task management, lone worker protection and recording, the HawkEye can integrate with existing communications systems to help promote safety and ensure the wellbeing of all staff / workers.  With the intelligence built in with our Cloud Services  , the device can become a local , national or worldwide communication solution

Manage your digital evidence. Anytime. Anywhere.

The docking station management platform facilitates the management of the data collected by body worn cameras, which enables users at all levels to upload various types of data (video, audio and photos) from cameras to the system platform for unified storage and management. This makes it simple and easy for authorised personnel at all levels to retrieve, view, browse and download the various types of data (video, audio and photos) uploaded after logging into the system.

Cloud Services : Do more with what you have

  • Greater service offering.

    Improve efficiency with our Cloud Services , allowing your teams’ voices to be heard loud and clear.

  • Instant communication.

    Turn your device into a local, national, or even worldwide communications solution.

  • Subscription based.

    Our Cloud Service is a simple cloud-based solution requiring  little if any  upfront investment. The solution operates on a user-based subscription.

  • Secure.

    A secure software solution, our Cloud Services offers a comprehensive  service hosted in ISO27000 accredited UK data centres.

  • Reach.

    A secure software solution, our Cloud Services offers a comprehensive  service hosted in ISO27000 accredited UK data centres.

  • Customisation: Lone Worker Protection 

    As soon as the cellular device is in a horizontal position, inactive or fails to move for a period of time, or in the event of an impact or low battery an automatic emergency alert including the identity and location of the cellular device will be sent to the group. Pushing the Emergency Call Button causes an Alert to go to predefined users which includes the location of the alerting device. Additionally, a full duplex call is initiated between the parties.

An all in one solution!

We can provide an out-of-the-box, ready-to-use, push-to-talk communications solution. Get everything you need instantly to start your conversation being heard.



Contact us about your next project…

Whatever your communications challenge, we are confident we will have the solution you are looking for. Feel free to call us direct, or let us have an outline of the project and we will call you.

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