Connect it all. Go Farther. With Industrial Grade Private Wireless Networks
To compete today, you need to transform your operations urgently. You cannot rely on existing wireless networks that just are not up to the task. You need industrial-grade private wireless: a dedicated LTE/4.9G network that offers the predictable performance, massive coverage, and capacity, and built-in security and mobility of 4.9G right now – and a simple evolution into 5G next.
For your business to be agile and responsive to shifting markets and demanding customers, you need to digitally connect all your critical operations in real time, across your business. You need wireless, low-latency connectivity that is utterly reliable, secure and covers every inch of your operations, no matter how fast the parts are moving.
Our Private Wireless solution is based on the latest evolution of LTE or 4.9G, used for nearly a decade in mobile networks and now available and affordable for private networks. It is as easy to install as a Wi-Fi network, as robust and capable as ethernet and is also available in the industry’s first 5G standalone version for trial networks. It will make your most ambitious Industry 4.0 dreams come true now and prepare your business for whatever comes next.
Everywhere, anytime communications
Few doubt the incredible potential of 5G. It is set to unleash the power of digital across multiple sectors, making factories, warehouses, workplaces, hospitals, and homes more efficient, transportation faster and more convenient, and cities smarter.
5G provides the capability to support billions of connected devices transmitting huge volumes of data. Autonomous vehicles, manufacturing, transport, healthcare and many other sectors and activities will depend upon instant data transfer. At the same time, we are seeing the emergence of edge computing, which is moving processing power ever closer to the user, delivering the benefits of speed and latency to applications we will likely come to rely on.
On current wireless networks, most data are moved to central data centres to be processed, which slows down the process. And while today most applications being used are not really impacted, with the advent of emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, any delay in the AI being used could be problematic. Stepping into the future to find the economic benefits is key.
The potential to dramatically improve bandwidth and lower latency, delivering the ‘everywhere, anytime’ communications, the world has been promised is here with the combination of 5G and edge computing. Gartner research* shows the proportion of enterprise-generated data processed outside a ‘traditional’ centralized data centre or cloud will leap from 10 percent in 2018 to 75 percent by 2025. This is an exciting prediction showcasing the benefits of the low latency of edge computing, and the lightning speed of 5G that makes 5G and edge computing one of the most powerful tools to invest in.

There are three distinct spectrum groupings that are relevant for 5G, and each has benefits and drawbacks:
Low-band spectrum
(Nationwide) (sub 1GHz) Wide coverage, limited speed Ideal for extending reach (inside/around buildings) and reliability as a coverage layer in 5G deployments
Mid-band spectrum (Metro Area)
(between 1GHz and 6GHz) Good balance of coverage/speed Ideal for delivering Gbps data speeds to mobile users with wide RF channel bandwidth
High-band spectrum (Dense Urban)
(24Ghz-100Ghz known as Millimeter Waves or mm Wave) High speed, limited coverage, poor indoor penetration Ideal for delivering high bandwidths

The 5G Ecosystem
The 5G+Edge ecosystem is built on the four pillars of connectivity, hardware, software and services. Several players are involved in developing and delivering these products and services to customers. They will work together, but also compete for a share of the revenue.

Deployable Industrial Grade Private Wireless Network solutions leverage an existing ecosystem of machines, sensors, and systems.
In summary
Hawk stands at the forefront of the technology evolution of next generation TD –LTE solutions in the sub 6 GHz Market .
- Our solutions are cost efficient with the lowest TCO in the industry.
- Our ENodeB is an outdoor, rugged, and compact unit with both RF and baseband inside.
- Provision of Layer 2 CS Services (VPWS, VPLS), PPOE over LTE are some of our unique offerings.
- Integration with AAA over Radius and SIM less authentication over LTE is also unique to our solution.
- EPC Stack is available with HSS and PCRF. Cost per subscriber is the lowest in the Industry.
- 3GPP compliant and compatible with 3rd party EPC’s
- Interoperability with 3rd Party CPE’s / Devices.
Powerful communication and connectivity capabilities
The Industrial-grade Private Wireless solution is complemented by Wavesight’s mission-critical wireless PtP, PtMP and Backhaul solutions. This coupled with radios that can be deployed in ATEX Zone 1 and 2 certified hazardous areas and Hybrid energy solutions that provide power in remote areas, provide enterprise a true end-to-end solution fitting their exact requirements.
Hawk Industrial Grade Private Wireless solution completely changes what you can do compared to any other kind of wireless technology. Imagine the capabilities of Ethernet in a wireless format. And, it already has a mature ecosystem of industrial devices and the LTE/4.9G version has proven its capabilities for a decade in the most demanding networks in the world.
Contact us about your next project…
Whatever your communications challenge, we are confident we will have the solution you are looking for. Feel free to call us direct, or let us have an outline of the project and we will call you.